Supporting “Conservative” Republicans–WHAT Conservative Republicans???
How many of you all have ever gotten either letters in the mail or on the internet asking you for money so “conservative” Republicans can do battle against liberal Democrats? They try to make it sound like an ideological war–and it isn’t! What’s the old saying–a fool and his money are soon parted?
Revised History – Supporting “Conservative” Republicans–WHAT Conservative Republicans??? PDF
How many of you all have ever gotten either letters in the mail or on the internet asking you for money so “conservative” Republicans can do battle against liberal Democrats? They try to make it sound like an ideological war–and it isn’t! What’s the old saying–a fool and his money are soon parted?
The truth of the matter is that liberal (socialist) Democrats and many “conservative” Republicans all work for the same people and have the same goals. But they have to give the illusion to the public that they are somehow at war with one another. They aren’t. The Republican Party today is still the party of Abraham Lincoln the Socialist! Little has changed since the War of Northern Aggression is supposed to have ended. Our Southern states and our history, heritage and culture are still under assault from the deep state denizens of the Washington swamp with political generals in the military constantly referring to the Old South and its leaders as traitors.
Don’t expect any of this to get any better anytime soon. It will get worse. A case in point is the short article by Laurence M. Vance on yesterday’s https://www.lewrockwell.com I will quote Mr. Vance here: “The Senate has confirmed Biden’s pick to lead the Department of Defense, retired Gen. Lloyd Austin. The good black general was confirmed after voicing support for rescinding the Trump administration ban on transgender people serving in the military. The vote was 93-2. If you thought for a minute that Republicans in the Senate would oppose any of Biden’s policies, then think again. And tell me again why it was important for those two Georgia Republicans to win those Senate races.” The two Republicans that voted against this political charade were Mike Lee and Josh Hawley. Five senators did not vote, for whatever reason, though their votes would have made no difference anyway.
So where were all those Republican “conservatives” in the Senate that were supposed to do battle against liberalism? Seems like, when push came to shove, they all found it much easier to just cave in and go along with the Democratic socialists. This is what the Republicans always seem to do–rail vociferously against liberalism (socialism) and after they have done a sufficient amount of protesting, they just cave in and go along with the Democrat’s socialism. By now we should be able to detect a pattern here.
At the national level and most state levels there is not a dime’s worth of difference between the two parties. And you folks that have been supporting the Republicans because you thought they would fight against liberalism might as well put your wallets back in your pockets because all you are doing is financing your adversaries. The deep state, the Swamp, whatever you want to call it, controls both the Republicans and the Democrats and they are mostly just socialists with a little different timetable for implementing their socialism.
I would hope that if one good thing comes out of the Harris/Biden Regime it will be the fact that the Republican Party may finally be exposed for the political fraud that it really is and that millions of folks might bolt that party and look for a third-party alternative.
Donald Trump was supposed to have been involved with a new group, the Patriot Party. Now we hear that he is no longer interested in that and is going to spend the next two years trying to get Republicans elected to the Senate and the House. How much good did the Republicans in the Senate and House do him in this last election. The majority of them stood in line to stab him in the back and gleefully passed the political knife from one to the other. How does he know that in another two years the Republicans he helps to win won’t do the same thing to him that was done in 2020?
With all due respect, Mr. Trump, I think you are wasting your time doing that. Many Republicans really don’t care if they win or not as long as they have a place at the table. They are more than willing to play second fiddle to get that and to share in the political goodies. If they were not willing to stand by you this time why will they be willing to stand by you next time?
And if this election was highly questionable–and it was–then why do you think the same game won’t be played in the next election and all those down the road after this one? If millions of voters left the Republican Party, there would be more than enough to start a third party–provided you could get leadership that couldn’t be bought off or co-opted.
Back in the late 1800s, theologian Robert L. Dabney made a prescient statement about conservatives. He noted that they seldom “conserve” much of anything. They protest the liberal agenda long and loud–and then end up giving in to it with a whimper. When the next liberal program comes along, they play the same game all over, with the same end results. Don’t we see that happening here today? Same game just different players.
Most Republican “conservatives” (not all but most) are little more than political con artists trying to get you to buy chips in a game you cannot win. The two-party charade is really nothing more than a one party oligarchy and it is long past time that we began to figure this out and quit playing the game. No matter who wins–socialist Democrats or socialist Republicans–we lose!