Supreme (for who?) Court
According to an article on The Epoch Times website for December 26th “President Donald Trump says the U.S. Supreme Court failed to address massive election fraud properly.”
Revised History – Supreme (for who?) Court PDF
According to an article on The Epoch Times website for December 26th “President Donald Trump says the U.S. Supreme Court failed to address massive election fraud properly.”
Mr. Trump said “The U.S. Supreme Court has been totally incompetent and weak on the massive election fraud that took place in the 2020 Presidential Election. We have absolute proof, but they don’t want to see it–No standing, they say. If we have corrupt elections, we have no country!” Supposedly the Supreme Court has five “conservative” justices. Yeah, right–and the moon is made out of green cheese too.
You have to wonder why the Supreme Court justices have no interest in election fraud. Are they afraid of riots across the country if they support a call for fair elections? Are they just gutless wonders? What’s the deal here? Or do they just not care? After all, their positions are secure. No one will fire them or remove them from office–they hope–and if such should happen, they will probably still get their lifetime salaries anyway, so why worry, why get involved? Why take a stand for what’s right when it’s so much easier to just go with the flow and ignore it all? After all the only thing at stake is the future of the country and as long as the fat paycheck is there, who cares about that???
But the Supreme Court is not the only court that wants to see no evidence, hear no evidence or even think about evidence. You have to wonder how many of these judges are really nothing but judicial Never Trumpers. How many are holdovers from the Obama Regime and how many have been appointed during the Trump administration?
It seems that most of the legal institution in this country is willing to get rid of Trump. Do they want to go back to business as usual with a new and corrupt Harris/Biden administration? If so, then the rot in this country is deeper than we even dared to contemplate and there is probably no hope for this country.
It would seem that the courts in this country have no interest whatever in hearing about the massive election fraud that took place in this last election. Their main interest seems to be in finding reasons, no matter how trite, for not having to hear any of this evidence. They just ain’t interested at all in it. Why is that? Corruption? Fear? What is their problem–for by extension–their problem ends up being a problem for all of us. If they are afraid or unwilling to hear evidence of election fraud, then we all suffer for their cowardice or ineptness.
If our institutions of law and government that we are supposed to trust end up failing us what, then, do we do? Live under some form of Marxism that is coming not too far down the road? In the final analysis there is always secession–and maybe that has been our only real solution to a failed government all along.