Terrorism in America Isn’t New
A little history you were never taught in school.
Revised History – Terrorism in America Isn’t New PDF
Recently a friend at church asked me a question that showed he had been thinking. He said, “Was there anything like the BLM around before the Civil War?” It was a good question, one most people would not have thought of in our day of gross historical ignorance.
After a bit of thought what popped into my mind was terrorist John Brown’s atrocities in Kansas and his attack on the arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia. The parallels to today are quite striking. Brown was a 19th century terrorist trying to do away with slavery. I have seen comments that he was some sort of communist. I would not doubt that. He had two Forty-eighters in his merry little band of terrorists when he was in Kansas. I don’t think they came east with him.
While in Kansas he made a point of attacking Southern families, even if they owned no slaves. John Brown and his “Northern Army” made war on Southerners even before Abe Lincoln did–just because they were Southerners. Terrorists always make war on innocent people. It scares most people into non-resistance to the terrorist’s efforts and goals.
I found an informative article by Steve Byas in the Feb. 7th, 2017 issue of the New American Magazine entitled John Brown’s Lethal Legacy. Mr. Byas went into quite a bit of detail about Brown’s terrorist activity and also about the wealthy northeasterners that financed and supported it. You should be able to find this on the internet. I did.
In referring to Brown’s terrorist killings in Kansas, Mr. Byas noted: “These brutal murders took place during the struggle between violent pro–and anti-slavery forces for control of the Kansas territory–known to history as ‘Bleeding Kansas.’ While the body of John Brown, as the song says, is ‘moldering in the grave,’ his example still inspires modern radicals, who justify violence upon the innocent if the cause is ‘just.’ Following the election of Donald Trump, Brown was specifically cited by some extremists to justify a violent response…and behind similar violent protesters today–are the radical men with the money,…” Indeed, the group that is called The Secret Six that supported and financed John Brown were the George Soros’ and Rockefellers and Fords of their day–“willing to invest money in treason” as Unitarian Thomas Wentworth Higginson said in that day.
If you want to check out what some of the present-day radicals on the left are doing, then do an internet search on The John Brown Gun Clubs.
Another interesting site you might want to check out is https://www.redneckrevolt.org/principles This site claims it is “putting the red back in redneck.” Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what they are talking about. Where Black Lives Matter is directed at blacks, this site is directed at whites, but they stand for the same things that BLM does–tearing down capitalism and “white supremacy” and their (not your) right to revolution.
And one more for your reading pleasure https://www.unz.com/mwhitney/blms-war-on-the-deplorables The sources listed here should give you some idea of what is going on in our day–and what has gone on since the War of Northern Aggression–and before. It’s nothing new, folks. To figure it out all you need is a sense of history and being willing to connect the dots. It’s like the Bible says in Ecclesiastes, “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done; and there is no new thing under the sun.”
Leftist radicals in the 1850s had the same goals as they do in our day–the destruction of our country and its culture and its real history. Didn’t know it had been going on that long, did you? That’s because most of us were never taught real history–but it’s not too late for us to learn.