Texas Actions Benefit Red China
All those who work to help Communist China to dominate the U.S. do not live across the water somewhere. Many of them were born and raised in the good old U S of A. Look at what is going on in Sodom on the Potomac with the Harris/Biden Regime. The watchword for this regime seems to be “America Last, forever and always!” Biden’s main interest in China, along with everything else he has done seems to be more financial than anything else–like, what can the Chinese Reds do for his family financially? The people behind Biden who pull his strings are much more interested in a Communist China that can and will dominate the U.S. His vice-president and Obama are two that come to mind in this area.
Revised History – Texas Actions Benefit Red China PDF
All those who work to help Communist China to dominate the U.S. do not live across the water somewhere. Many of them were born and raised in the good old U S of A. Look at what is going on in Sodom on the Potomac with the Harris/Biden Regime. The watchword for this regime seems to be “America Last, forever and always!” Biden’s main interest in China, along with everything else he has done seems to be more financial than anything else–like, what can the Chinese Reds do for his family financially? The people behind Biden who pull his strings are much more interested in a Communist China that can and will dominate the U.S. His vice-president and Obama are two that come to mind in this area.
However, not all those that help Red China to practice domination of this country are Marxists–at least not on the surface. Some might only be interested, like Biden, in what Red China can do for their bank accounts.
It is getting more and more difficult in our day to know just who you can trust anymore. Some who have genuinely seemed conservative are doing things that harm this country to the benefit of Red China.
Someone sent me an article by Tom Dees from the National File for February 24th that spoke to this. Mr. Dees wrote: “Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s green energy policies paved the way for companies like GH America and Goldwind Americas, both with deep ties to the Chinese Communist Party, to profit millions from tax abatements and Renewable Energy Credits at the taxpayer’s expense…The investments gave the Chinese government direct access to Texas’ energy grid and sensitive national security information, including security assessments affecting the grid’s health and performance. National File previously reported on the threat that Chinese energy companies pose to Texas’ energy grid and national security. In a statement to National File, Cary Cheshire, President of Texans for Fiscal Responsibility, dubbed Governor Abbott’s slew of green proposals, ‘Abbott’s Green New Deal.’ Cary suggested, ‘Despite sitting on some of the world’s largest deposits of reliable and dependable fuels, Gov. Greg Abbott and the Texas state government have been administering their own Green New Deal by doling out over $10 billion in taxpayer dollars to subsidize operators of wind and solar energy. The state-administered Green New Deal has undermined the strength of our electric grid while transferring wealth from taxpayers and ratepayers to crony insiders and foreign governments.”
Dees continued: “The Daily Mail dubbing it ‘deeply troubling’ recorded Goldwind America’s deep ties to the Chinese government in June of 2020, noting that 40% of Goldwin’s top investors were known members of the Communist Party.” You mean to tell me Governor Abbott was not aware of this? Bet he was and just didn’t care.
A Dallas businessman who supported Abbott in 2014 said: “Abbott has allowed the Dragon in our backyard! Communist China is heavily invested in our wind and solar farms.” My my, what a surprise!
I read an article recently about some Chinese outfit that not long ago bought something like 130,000 acres in West Texas, somewhere just west of Del Rio. I’d be willing to bet that lots of good West Texans would not be real happy with this development. Some of this land has to be along the border–just made to order for Biden’s new oncoming crop of illegal immigrants. Wonder if all these new illegals will wear face masks and practice social distancing. Probably not–those rules are only for stupid Americans. They won’t apply to Biden’s illegal hordes.
However, you look at it, the great State of Texas is being sold out from under the booted feet of Texans and handed piecemeal to the new erstwhile attackers of the Alamo–the Communist Chinese–and it would seem that the current governor of Texas loves to have it so.
culturally Marxist ploys for what is really cultural genocide for the South.
“Reconstruction” is still alive and well today, not only in the South, but all across the country both in government schools at all levels, and elsewhere.