That Secession Question–It Never Quite Goes Away
I can just picture, in our present Biden/Obama induced crisis, that if anyone asked the question “Isn’t it time we thought about secession again?” They would be denounced as miserable traitors to the (less than glorious) Union and many of those doing the denouncing would be staunch conservatives.
Revised History – That Secession Question–It Never Quite Goes Away PDF
I can just picture, in our present Biden/Obama induced crisis, that if anyone asked the question “Isn’t it time we thought about secession again?” They would be denounced as miserable traitors to the (less than glorious) Union and many of those doing the denouncing would be staunch conservatives.
Our historians from Lincoln’s time on up have denounced secession as treason and tried to convince us that secessionists were and are traitors. Folks, that’s a pile of Texas cow chips and deep down, some of these “historians” realize that but don’t dare admit it lest their careers be in jeopardy. Webb Garrison, in his book Lincoln’s Little War noted on page 61 that: “When New Jersey and New York ratified the Constitution in 1787 and 1788, respectively, both states, ‘expressly reserved the right of secession. Although this conclusion can be debated, in New York it was taken seriously during the early decades of the republic. Even Daniel Webster espoused this doctrine during his speeches against the War of 1812’.”
Most of the New England states were against that war. They sent delegates to the Hartford (Connecticut) Convention in 1814 to discuss the option of New England secession. Yet, for all of that, I have never seen those people written off as traitors to the Union. If secession was treason, why did that never happen? Or could it be that secession was only to be called treason if it was the South that did it? After all, the South was the cash cow for the rest of the country. The South paid 80% of the tariffs for the whole country while the North got most of the benefits from it in the form of internal improvements. The North got the benefits while the South got the bill. Such a deal! Redistribution of the wealth–Marxism in action! Has that ever occurred to you?
In his book When in The Course Of Human Events author Charles Adams observed: “If there was anything of which nineteenth century Americans approved, it was rebellions. They delighted in the plight of rebels–provided, of course, the rebels were not opposing them…It seems clear that in 1860 the supreme right of rebellion and revolution was an article of political right for every American unless the rebel happened to be a homegrown variety.”
Adams continued: “Contrary to the position taken by Lincoln, the states were sovereign; even William Seward recognized that people were citizens of their states, for example, of Ohio or New York. It was the state that came first, that put together the federal constitution with its limitations.” Adams also rightly observed that: ” The right of secession was so deeply rooted in the early history of the nation that hardly any region did not at one time assert or recognize that right. Thus, Lincoln’s assertion that secession had no basis in law makes no sense. It is possible that Lincoln simply convinced himself that no right to secede existed or could possibly be discussed…He knew that secession had solid credentials and that once he permitted discussion and debate, he would lose. Logic, history, constitutional law, and even his beloved Declaration of Independence were all against him. He had to close his mind.”
So, because of a mind closed to the truth we fought a war that cost us over 600,000 lives, North and South, and gave us the beginnings of federal intrusion into our lives in a manner that has culminated with the advent of the Biden/Obama Regime. You must ask yourself–was it worth the price? Slavery was not the real cause of the war, and it would have disappeared in the not too distant future anyway. All the talk about the South seceding so she could keep her slaves is the hogwash that has been substituted for real history in the last 100 years or so.
We have been fed a continuous stream of federal disinformation from the Lincoln administration onward and today it is approaching outrageous standards. So where is America’s spirit of secession nowadays? unfortunately it seems to be hidden underneath the couch most Americans sit on to watch the latest reality show! And, barring a God-given revival, that’s where it is likely to remain.