The Great 2020 Election Theft
All is not well in Fraudville as evidence of massive election theft by Democrats, communists and Never-Trumpers continues to mount. Accounts of boxes of ballots being dropped off at post offices in the middle of the night have been increasing. I read one account where they suddenly “found” 189,300 “missing votes” and guess what” ALL of them were for Biden, not a single one for Trump in that whole batch! To say the least, such an event does strain the credibility just a bit. If the leftist vote fraudsters had been trying for some vestige of believability you would think they might have strewn 30 or 40 Trump votes throughout that pile, but they didn’t even bother to do that. This shows they are really desperate or else they just don’t care who knows what they are doing because they realize the fix is in no matter what happens!
Revised History – The Great 2020 Election Theft
All is not well in Fraudville as evidence of massive election theft by Democrats, communists and Never-Trumpers continues to mount. Accounts of boxes of ballots being dropped off at post offices in the middle of the night have been increasing. I read one account where they suddenly “found” 189,300 “missing votes” and guess what” ALL of them were for Biden, not a single one for Trump in that whole batch! To say the least, such an event does strain the credibility just a bit. If the leftist vote fraudsters had been trying for some vestige of believability you would think they might have strewn 30 or 40 Trump votes throughout that pile, but they didn’t even bother to do that. This shows they are really desperate or else they just don’t care who knows what they are doing because they realize the fix is in no matter what happens!
At this point Trump supporters are not taking this massive vote fraud lying down. According to an article on Infowars.com for November 6th: “Patriots are organizing at state capitols across the country this weekend to Stop the Steal and defend the nation’s election integrity, as voter fraud seems apparent in multiple swing states.” These rallies are set to take place at every state capitol Saturday at noontime.
Writer Michael Snyder at End Of The American Dream for November 5th observed that: “The big news networks seem to be pretending that they aren’t there, but the truth is that there are some very serious statistical ‘anomalies’ that really need to be explained…I think that the mainstream media is assuming that they can just go ahead and declare victory for Joe Biden and that all of these ‘anomalies’ will soon be forgotten, but I don’t think that Trump and his supporters will let this go. The stakes in this election are so high, and it won’t be so easy to sweep things under the rug like we have seen in the aftermath of past elections…So, while everyone was asleep and after everyone went home, Democrats in Michigan magically found a trove of 138,339 votes, and all of those ‘votes’ magically went to Biden? That doesn’t look suspicious at all. Initially Trump had a huge lead in Michigan, but this vote dump was critical in helping to swing the state over to Biden.” Nothing suspicious to see here folks so just move along and forget it all!
And then there was an article on https://www.zerohedge.com about a software “glitch” in 47 Michigan counties that erroneously gave thousands of votes to Biden when those votes were meant for Republicans. Almost seems like Michigan ought to get the Fraudstate of the year award for 2020! Supposedly this situation has now been corrected. Yeah, right! So will Republicans get back all those thousands of votes they were denied? Let’s just say we ain’t holding our breath!
And then there was the story from Pennsylvania, which may contest Michigan for the Fraudstate of the year award. This one also from Zerohedge. It says “A Pennsylvania United States Postal Service worker says they are willing to testify under oath over an apparent ballot backdating scheme that has played out at the public mail service, reports James O’Keefe at project Veritas.
And just this morning, 11/7, it was reported that the Supreme Court has ordered the state of Pennsylvania to separate out late-arriving ballots and that those segregated ballots have to be kept “in a secure, safe, and sealed container separated from other voted ballots.” Also, the state of Georgia is now having to do a vote recount. So all is not well in Fraudville at this point. All of this should reveal how the deep state folks desperately want to be rid of Donald Trump–which should be one of the main reasons he should be retained as our next president. With so many supposedly varied groups hating him so much you just have to know he is doing something right. Let’s hope and pray his legal team is demanding and getting the necessary recounts in those states where massive voter fraud has been perpetrated.
Update, US postal worker just arrested at Canadian border with 800 pieces of mail in his vehicle, some of which were absentee ballots.