The Leftist March Through Georgia
This isn’t the first time. The leftists in Sherman’s command marched through Georgia in 1864 and destroyed untold amounts of private property. Those people were “Lincoln’s Marxists” and Sherman just loved them for their destructive proclivities.
Revised History – The Leftist March Through Georgia PDF
This isn’t the first time. The leftists in Sherman’s command marched through Georgia in 1864 and destroyed untold amounts of private property. Those people were “Lincoln’s Marxists” and Sherman just loved them for their destructive proclivities.
They set a precedent. Today’s leftists are still marching through Georgia (and other states as well) but they are bringing their voting machines with them. If you think the political left has nothing to do with our voting machines in this country go back and read the brief article posted on this blog on 12/3.
An article posted on https://www.theepochtimes.com for December 3 carried this headline: Firm That Conducted ‘Audit’ of Georgia Voting Machines Has Long History With Dominion. The article stated, in part, “The firm hired by Georgia’s secretary of state to conduct an ‘audit’ of Dominion Voting Systems technology used during the 2020 elections is the same one that previously certified the Dominion systems and also approved a last minute-system-wide software change just weeks before the election. Secretary of Stwate Brad Raffensperger failed to disclose that the company, Pro V&V, had a preexisting relationship with Dominion that dated back years, in his Nov 17 statement announcing the results of the audit…In the widely quoted statement, Raffensperger said that the audit of Dominion machines was complete, there was ‘no sign of foul play,’ and that ‘Pro V&V found no evidence’ of tampering with the machines…Raffensperger also included an impressive description of Pro V&V in his statement, but again failed to disclose the firm’s relationship with Dominion , nor did he address the fact that Pro V&V appears to be a very small and private company that operates out of a single office suite.” So it would seem that there are sweetheart problems with the outfit that audited the Georgia voting machines and said they were okay.
I can’t go through the entire Epoch Times article. It is six pages long. But I would urge my readers to check it out. It was written by Jeff Carlson on 12/3 and updated on 12/4.
Then there was the article on https://www.thegatewaypundit.com for December 2nd by Joe Hoft. He noted that: “One of many volunteer groups, a Georgia-based data analytics firm says it has found that about 40,000 illegal votes were cast in Georgia in the November 3 general election. Mark Davis, President of Data Productions, Inc. and considered an expert in five court cases concerning election disputes found 40,239 people who moved from one county to another more than 30 days before the election and voted in their old county, which is illegal according to Georgia law…The same group also found over 10,000 individuals who voted in the 2020 election who no longer live in the state, which is also illegal. The analysis also found that 267,255 people notified the USPS that they moved outside the state of Georgia, which means they are no longer eligible to vote in the state, yet 14,980 of those people allegedly voted in the 2020 election in Georgia, 100% of them illegally.”
Then there was still another story from Gateway Pundit by the same writer with today’s date, 12/4, on it. In it he stated that “The Trump team now has a Dominion machine from Ware County, Georgia with EVIDENCE of Trump votes being switched to Biden.” The source for this was John Fredericks on Steve Bannon’s War Room.
So, as you can see, the leftists who want Biden in the White House so Comrade Kamala can give him his marching orders are, truly, marching through Georgia. The voting machines they brought with them have been blessed by Georgia’s Secretary of State, who is, no doubt, a RINO. It seems that there are almost as many Republicans who want Trump out of office as there are Democrats. I guess this just goes to show that the spiritual descendants of “Lincoln’s Marxists” are, like their spiritual ancestors, still marching through Georgia.