The Leftists Never Quit. We Should Take a Lesson From That

Why was a monument in Alabama torn down because of something that happened in Minneapolis?

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           The country is totally besieged with this Chinese virus almost to the point of having been totally shut down. But through all that, the socialists and communists among us have never quit in their attempt to trash and destroy our culture, especially here in the South. They view all this mayhem with the Chinese virus as a golden opportunity to administer the death blow to Southern culture.

            Over this past weekend they destroyed a Confederate monument in Linn Park in Birmingham, Alabama. The monument had been the focus of a legal fight in that city and the destruction wrought upon it now gives the city’s mayor a great excuse to remove the monument.

            Interestingly enough the monument was torn down because the police in Minneapolis, Minnesota killed a black man. I just wonder what “Southern heritage group” in Minnesota they will blame for this now. So a man in Minnesota gets killed and to commemorate this awful act they tear down a Confederate monument in Alabama. Almost seems a little far-fetched until you think about it.

            But when you think about it you realize it isn’t. You have to understand that the Leftists in this country will use any excuse, anywhere, to claim “moral superiority” as they seek to tear down anything that they feel smacks of Southern heritage, history and culture.

            This is what the Left does. They hate our guts and make no bones about that–and we are supposed to like it. And it would seem that many here in the South don’t mind it all that much because they do or say nothing that will offend the Leftist scumbags that do this stuff.

            It seems, nowadays, as if the Southern will to defend our heritage and culture seems almost nil. I realize there are exceptions to this and I am not talking about or to those exceptions. I am talking to those folks that just don’t seem to care one way or the other. If you willfully ignore this Leftist crap, then shame on you. The culture and heritage you lose will be your own so don’t complain when it no longer exists because you will be part of the reason it doesn’t.

            When I was the treasurer of the Confederate Society of America in 2015, Nikki Haley took the Confederate flag down at the State capital in South Carolina. That started a whole rash of flag and monument removal and destruction all across the South and other places. It alarmed Southern folks and membership in the CSA shot up–unfortunately, only briefly.

            When the hue and cry started to die down the newly alarmed CSA members folded their tents and went back to sleep. Very few new membership renewals in 2016. To me this proved that most Southern folks still don’t get it.

            They don’t grasp who our real enemies are or how they operate. Our main adversaries are those on the political and theological Left–and those people never, never quit their assault on us and our heritage. Most of our folks go and fight one battle, think they’ve won the war and just go home to rest of their laurels. We quit–the Leftists just keep coming–and we wonder why we are losing.

            Maybe in a hundred years we will figure it out, but by then it will be too late. Our culture and heritage will be gone and we will still be resting on those laurels because they will be all we have left!