The Loyal Opposition
Just this evening I watched one of Tucker Carlson’s presentations from Fox News and I thought his commentary was right on the money. He commented about how socialist Democrats can pretty much say and do what they want because they know they will get no real pushback from the Republicans. The Republicans, most of them anyway, have been trained to never respond to Democratic political gyrations….
The Copperhead Chronicle – The Loyal Opposition PDF
Just this evening I watched one of Tucker Carlson’s presentations from Fox News and I thought his commentary was right on the money. He commented about how socialist Democrats can pretty much say and do what they want because they know they will get no real push-back from the Republicans. The Republicans, most of them anyway, have been trained to never respond to Democratic political gyrations. Hence the Democrats totally control the playing field while the Republicans remain on the bench and complain, but they never leave the bench and get out on the field. Much safer to stay on the bench and complain.
This is nothing more than an updated version of what George Wallace said back in 1968–“Republicans and Democrats, tweedle-dum and tweedle-dee, not a dime’s worth of difference.” Wallace hit the nail on the head back in 68 and Tucker Carlson hit it on the head today.
You look at some of the wild, far out stuff the Democrats are proposing and then ask yourself where the Republican opposition is on most of these issues. I don’t know where they are, but wherever it is, they sure are quiet.
If I had the suspicious mind my Dad accused me of having, I’d almost be tempted to think that the Republican silence is either learned fear of criticizing one’s supposed enemies or, worse yet, implied agreement with those supposed enemies. And if the latter is the case, then the supposed adversary is really no adversary at all, but rather a willing accomplice in the effort to tear down this country.
Do I think progressive (socialist) Democrats and Republicans work together to tear down our culture and history? That’s like asking if the sun will rise in the East tomorrow.
Tucker Carlson pretty much said the same thing when he commented that, at the gut level, (he didn’t say it that way) the Republicans and Democrats really actually agree with one another. And if they agree with one another that means they are both basically opposed to the desires and aspirations of ordinary Americans. After all, didn’t the Bush family vote for Hillary? That tells you that, at least at the national level, there is no difference between the two parties.
I’ve got an old book at home called The Shadows of Power written back in 1988 by James Perloff. You might be able to still find it on Amazon, provided it hasn’t been censored off for being too conservative. It has to do with the Council on Foreign Relations, the premier One World Government organization in this country. This group is made up of both Republicans and Democrats as well as various other sorts of Leftists who all share the vision for a One World Government. For the United States to totally embrace this, all we would have to do is be willing to surrender our liberties and the souls of our children and their children to their agenda. If you wonder where these evil folks would love to take us, look at Venezuela or Zimbabwe or South Africa.
Don’t think for a New York minute that because your Congress critter may be a Republican that he, she, or it, is your friend. There are some decent Republicans out there but they are in the minority, not the majority. And for you all that live in the South, remember back to what the Republicans did to your ancestors in 1860 and afterward. They think just as much of you now as they did back then and you need to learn that lesson.
Don’t just listen to what they say because many, many of them are lying when their lips are moving. Watch what they do. Follow how they vote. The John Birch Society publishes something they call The Conservative Index which when it is published, takes ten recent pieces of legislation and shows how your congress people from every state voted on those ten issues. The last one I read, just a few months ago now, showed very few really conservative Republicans, even here in the South.
More and more it seems that many Republican legislators are trending toward the “broad middle” on their way toward the political left, all the while telling folks back home how conservative they are. Don’t buy it! It’s all cow chips by the ton! Those people are not about to do the right thing unless they know enough of us are keeping an eye on them.
Something else you might want to check out is an old book called None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen (now deceased). This one is on the internet so it wouldn’t cost you a thin dime to check it out. In fact it would be worth checking out for background before you go to your next town meeting when your congress critter is in town.
Your God-given liberty is precious, but you can lose it if you refuse to use it.