The My Pillow Guy
William F. Jasper, the senior editor of The New American magazine recently interviewed MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell about his recent documentary on election fraud last November. The name of his documentary is Absolute Proof and Mr. Lindell goes into quite a bit showing how he came up with the proof he has come up with.
Revised History – The My Pillow Guy PDF
William F. Jasper, the senior editor of The New American magazine recently interviewed MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell about his recent documentary on election fraud last November. The name of his documentary is Absolute Proof and Mr. Lindell goes into quite a bit showing how he came up with the proof he has come up with.
He feels he can take this all the way to the Supreme Court. I hope he is right, but, based on the recent performance of the august body I won’t hold my breath waiting for that to happen. The court seems to be afflicted with a singular lack of interest in any possible evidence of vote fraud that comes their way. Seems they would rather just bury their heads in the sand and tell everyone there was “no evidence of any vote fraud” last November. What they should have said is that “there is no evidence of vote fraud that we want to look at, so just move along, folks.”
Unless there are some major changes in our voting system in this country before 2022 then we have seen the last honest elections this country will have in our lifetime–and that was the 2016 election. 2020 was not an honest election–it was a gross charade.
If you want to look at Mike Lindell’s commentary about that electoral charade please check out https://lindelltv.com It will be worth your while and after you look at it pass the info along to your friends and neighbors to give it as much exposure as possible because Big Tech and Big Media are trying to put Mike Lindell out of business for daring to tell the truth that they don’t think you need to be aware of.
Mike Lindell could use your prayers because the stand for truth he has taken is costing him.