The New Book On Lincoln

DiLorenzo identifies the Lincoln myth as “…the ideological cornerstone of the American state”

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            Professor Thomas DiLorenzo’s new book on Saint Abraham, The Problem With Lincoln, (Regnery Publishing) is scheduled to be released today, 7/7. I don’t know anything much about it yet, but Lord willing, I do plan to get it. Professor DiLorenzo’s other work on Lincoln, both books and articles, has been outstanding. This is why all those Lincoln-lovers out there hate his guts so much. He gives us the truth about the sainted Mr. Lincoln that they have been covering up for decades with all their hagiographies about Lincoln that they have made big bucks off of.

            DiLorenzo identifies the Lincoln myth as “…the ideological cornerstone of the American state” and he says that “…it’s important that at least some Americans are not deluded by fantasies, myths, and superstitions about their own government.” And boy, do you get those in spades from the Lincoln lovers!

            I have never forgotten the lady I talked to in Illinois years ago now (and her a homeschooling Mom) who said to me, when I tried to explain to her who Lincoln really was “I’m a great supporter of Lincoln and I am not going there with you.” She wasn’t even willing to listen. Her mind was made up  and so I could not confuse her with the facts. And I don’t say this to put her down, She was a good Christian lady, but in this area her mind was totally closed.

            Unfortunately, this is where we are today. DiLorenzo, in an article, quoted Ira Cardiff, who was the author of The Deification of Lincoln way back in 1943. He noted Cardiff’s comment: “Americans are not at all interested in the truth about Lincoln…They desire a supernatural Lincoln, a Lincoln with none of the faults or frailties of the common man…” I wonder how Cardiff’s book made out. He has to have been a pioneer in telling the truth about Lincoln.

            DiLorenzo has said that he is often asked “Why another book on Lincoln?” And he notes: “…there has been some very good and interesting research on Lincoln and his war published over the past eighteen years that I utilize in The Problem With Lincoln. Writing another book after eighteen years of additional research, reading, writing, and debating the subject makes this a very different book.” He’s right. There’s lots more out there now that there wasn’t back in 2002.

            I have to recommend Professor DiLorenzo’s new book based on his previous work, of which I have read much. Right now it can be purchased at Amazon. Due to the possibilities of another shutdown over this Chinese virus that so many are urging on Washington and the various states right now, I am not sure if regular bookstores will even be allowed to stay open if they even are presently.

            It should be interesting to see what Professor DiLorenzo has found regarding the last eighteen years of research on Lincoln. Knowing him, it should make for some interesting reading for those still willing to learn the truth.