The Pressure From Below Continues
It’s interesting that what passes for the mainstream media castigates gun owners as horrible people yet it has nothing to say about armed Marxist thugs in the streets. Ever wonder why?
Revised History – The Pressure From Below Continues PDF
It seems as if the pressure from below to push this country into some sort of civil war continues. Yesterday I wrote about what is going on now in Kenosha, Wisconsin. More on that from https://needtoknow.news where they say: “After the shooting of Jacob Blake on Sunday night, video shows Kenosha police officers surrounded by an angry mob amid the riots when someone broke a window in their cruiser. An officer was struck on the head by a projectile, believed to be a brick and he fell face-first to the ground. BLM/Antifa rioters armed with semi-automatic rifles shut down a street and ordered a Sheriff’s armored vehicle to stop. Officers deployed tear gas…The leftist protesters appear to be provoking police into an armed confrontation to create martyrs and set off a civil war.” It’s interesting that what passes for the mainstream media castigates gun owners as horrible people yet it has nothing to say about armed Marxist thugs in the streets. Ever wonder why?
Another recent article on http://www.newswars.com/commie-lives-matter said it this way: “The quicker America realizes that we aren’t just facing racial division and we aren’t just experiencing unrelenting disinformation and propaganda or allowing future generations to be brainwashed by useful idiot communist professors, the quicker the blinders come off. Americans will one day realize we are sinking into the quicksand of full-blown Communism, a slow, decades-long process of psychological warfare that moves through four stages…The crisis we are currently experiencing engineered by the Democratic Party hopes to linger as long as possible.” At least until the 4th of next November when they hope Biden is able to steal the election from Trump via mail in votes and other methods!
Folks, all of this is nothing new. It has been standard operating procedure of the Deep State for decades now.
I did an article for the old Sierra Times website (now defunct) way back in May of 2006 which dealt with the Council on Foreign Relations–a major part of the Deep State in this country. I noted that former FBI agent Dan Smoot had written a book back in 1964 called The Invisible Government which was about the CFR and which I believe is now online for those who want to check it out, though I believe few will bother. Smoot noted how every administration, Republican or Democrat, had been staffed with hacks from the CFR. And he also noted that they permeated all areas of society, the media, education, Congress, the military, etc. Whether they will ever admit it or not, many in the CFR have been promoters of the old pressure from above and pressure from below technique that is currently being applied to the American people. A good book on the CFR is the recent one by Arthur R. Thompson called Shadows of the Deep State which can be obtained from the John Birch Society in Appleton, Wisconsin. I think it only costs $10.95 and it is a bargain at that price.
In the old Sierra Times article, I noted, back in the Viet Nam era that I read a book by one James Simon Kunen called The Strawberry Statement: Notes of a College Revolutionary. Kunen was part of the revolutionary left in the late 1960s and early 70s. Unknowingly, probably, he passed along some interesting information that showed how the pressure from above and pressure from below technique really worked.
He noted how people from the Business International Roundtables were in the process of “buying up radicals.” He explained how those people wanted Eugene McCarthy in as president, the same way many in high places today want Biden in as president. He observed that those people felt that if the leftist radicals really acted up that this would only make McCarthy look more reasonable and thus advance his chances for election. The same game is being played today with Biden.
Kunen described those people as the left wing of the ruling class. And he noted that: “We were offered Esso (Rockefeller) money. They want us to make a lot of radical commotion so they can look more in the center as they move to the left.” Look at what Kunen was telling you here and translate it into what you see going on today.
Communists and their leftist cronies howl about the horrible injustices going on in this country today that are being perpetrated by big corporations, but they are, in reality, doing the bidding of some of those corporations, just at a little lower level. The leftists seem to have become the “running dogs” of the international corporate fascists.
If the radicals of the 60s and 70s got Rockefeller money, the radicals of our day now seem to be getting George Soros money. It’s all the same game no matter who shells our the dinero to them. The leftists are doing their bidding, whether it’s Rockefeller or Soros, it’s the same operation–pressure from above (Rockefeller or Soros) and pressure from below (BLM Antifa, and others) and the American people are caught between the two and squeezed.
This is the name of the game, folks, and you had better wake up to it while you can. Your children’s future may depend on what you are willing to do now.