The Revolution Will Continue Until People Get Fed Up
Many folks are wondering when this latest mad rush toward everything on the left will ever end. It seems as though every left-wing person and cause known to man is being pushed down our throats and, if you talk to the people I talk to you then you will realize they are getting fed up with it all.
Revised History – The Revolution Will Continue Until People Get Fed Up PDF
Many folks are wondering when this latest mad rush toward everything on the left will ever end. It seems as though every leftwing person and cause known to man is being pushed down our throats and, if you talk to the people I talk to you then you will realize they are getting fed up with it all.
I have taken note of all these pampered darlings in professional sports refusing to stand up for our National Anthem. When will such foolishness conclude? It will end when the public at large gets so completely fed up with these sports prima-donnas that they just start tuning out all the sports programs on the weekends and start doing something else. When sports ratings fall through the floor and into the basement and sports stadiums end up being one half to one third full instead of being crowded, then it will change.
Frankly, I’ve gotten so tired of seeing all these sports teams in such a heat to endorse the Marxist group Black Lives Matter that I am tuning out all sports programs until that changes. I can’t be bothered wasting my time on sports teams who feel their goal in life is to endorse Marxist organizations. If that’s the pathetic best they can do then they can do it without me.
I’ve noticed the same situation in some public schools. You will see a picture of a public-school classroom and the crowning achievement of the whole thing is the huge Black Lives Matter poster that takes up about half on one whole wall. You would think that an organization the claims to be all about educating children would know better than to endorse a Marxist organization. In fact, I’d be willing to bet some of them do. But the fact that this sort of thing turns up in a public school classroom at all shows you the direction this school system is really trying to take your kids in, notwithstanding the many good teachers there are out there.
Over the years I have written many articles detailing the leftist tilt to public education in this country. When will that end? It will end when enough parents care enough to do the homework to find out where public education is really coming from. Until then it will be more of the same because as it now stands, most parents don’t care enough to bother–a situation that bodes ill for this country.
I wonder if Trump’s education secretary has any idea of what goes on in the schools she is supposed to be overseeing or if she is just going through the motions. Is it bureaucracy as usual? At this point it would seem so.
And for you folks that don’t like what the colleges are teaching your kids–why do you keep paying for it? Certainly, you could find someplace to educate your kids other than the Leftist University of the Americas? But you don’t bother–and so nothing will change until you decide to “bother.”
The Marxist revolution will continue until people get tired enough of it that they are willing to do something about it. At this point folks must love it because they seem willing to put up with it.