The Ruling Elites Hate Your Guts So Why Not Separate?
Want to know what the political intelligentsia really thinks of all us deplorables? Want to know what we have to look forward to under a Harris/Biden regime?
Revised History – The Ruling Elites Hate Your Guts So Why Not Separate? PDF
Want to know what the political intelligentsia really thinks of all us deplorables? Want to know what we have to look forward to under a Harris/Biden regime?
Michael Beller, Principal Counsel for the Public Broadcasting Service has told us inadvertently in new undercover footage from Project Veritas which I am sure Mr. Beller would rather had not gotten out there. This sterling individual is a perfect example of what we can expect from a Harris/Biden regime in upcoming months. He is sort of a sneak preview ahead of schedule. Was he a Trump supporter some of what he said would probably have landed him in jail but since he obviously hates Trump’s guts he is perfectly safe?
Before the recent fraudulent elections he advised leftists that, should Trump win, they should “go to the White House and throw Molotov cocktails.” And he told us his views for our future. He said, “Even if Biden wins, we go for all the Republican voters and Homeland Security will take their children away–we’ll put them into the re-education camps.” Mr. Beller sounds like a really charming fellow–a prince among hardcore leftists. The epitome of leftist charity. So what does he think of his political adversaries? He says: “They’ll (Trump supporters) be raising a generation of intolerant, horrible people–horrible kids.” He also thought it might be a good thing if COVID were to spike in Republican-led states because it would mean that more Trump supporters would be dying. Can’t you tell from his restrained commentary that this man positively oozes compassion? And the Democrats are about to impeach Trump yet again because they claim he “incites violence.” Of course, Mr. Beller’s comments about Molotov cocktails do not incite violence because we all know that those on the left are incapable of violence–except to those who dare to disagree with them!
Beller also went into a profanity-laced tirade about how dumb the American people are. I would submit, at this point, that the really dumb ones might just be among those who listen to Public Broadcasting.
Boyd Cathey, in an article on https://www.lewrockwell.com for January 11th has noted the intent of these same people when he said: “Not just ‘cancel’ Donald Trump, but all the ‘deplorables’ of any high public profile, anyone who might raise a voice to actually oppose their ploys. Their inflexible censorship and their ability to ‘de-person’ almost anyone, and their control of education and the media are imposing an Iron Curtain over what is left of America, more fearful and more sweeping than anything Joe Stalin ever dreamed of. Indeed, one can rightly argue that those demonic forces–let us call them what they are: ‘the forces of anti-Western Christian civilization’–have had an upper hand since the defeat of the defenders of America’s old Constitution in 1865. But their steps in this process–their spreading infection–have taken more than a full century to effect success. Now, before our very eyes their victory appears imminent.” Dr. Cathey perfectly dates the main start of our many troubles with the defeat of the Confederacy in 1865.
In his recent book Red State Red County Secession–Creating a Nation of Our Own (Scuppernong Press) Ron Kennedy notes that part of our problem is many of America’s “conservatives.” Ron says “America’s conservatives are “counterfeit conservatives, because during the past one hundred years of the ‘conservative movement’ conservatives have not conserved anything! Conservatives stood by as liberals/progressives slowly destroyed the very fabric of our Constitutionally limited Republic. They offered no effective alternative to the insidious efforts of the left to destroy America’s moral standards. The current, politically correct, neo-Marxist America is damning evidence of one hundred years of conservative failure. At best, conservatives are a mere placeholder for the left, giving the appearance of an opposition party. Do you now begin to wonder why so few “conservatives” have been really willing to help Donald Trump in his battles against the leftists? It is because, in their heart of hearts, they are leftists too. They don’t dare tell us that because it would give the game away.
Our “two party system” really isn’t. A friend of mine has described it as “two wings on the same bird, both flying in the wrong direction.” While some good folks may disagree, what we have to consider is that if we can’t reverse the course, we are presently on then secession is a viable option that needs to be considered. Indeed, if the country cannot find a way to address the mountain of cultural and political differences the different areas are now experiencing then secession needs to be studied. We cannot continue as we are indefinitely. The leftists, with their “search and destroy” mentality toward their adversaries will eventually get to where you cannot even think about co-existing with them because they embody a “rule or ruin” worldview as leftists always have. If you cannot overcome them then some form of separation becomes inevitable if your culture is to survive when the left seeks to destroy it. The question of secession needs to be addressed, not ignored.