The Virus Was Intentional
Just some brief comments to let you all know the Chinese virus was intentional. It did not “escape” the lab accidentally nor did it come from some bat market in Wuhan. It was on purpose.
Revised History – The Virus Was Intentional PDF
Recently Tucker Carlson interviewed a Chinese virologist, a Dr. Li-Meng Yan, who has recently been banned from Twitter for daring to tell people the truth about the Chinese virus that had shut down so much of the world.
Needless to say, in this country, the Chinese virus has been a godsend to those politicians on the left who crave the power to regulate everyone’s life to the nth degree. They also see the virus as a weapon to be used against Trump in this election year. And all things considered, I have questioned the timing of the release of this virus in the year Trump is running for re-election. Accident? Years ago, a politician said “Nothing happens by accident. It is all decided in smoke-filled back rooms ahead of time” or something to that effect.
The article about Tucker’s interview appeared on Zero Hedge for September 16th. It noted that: “Hours after her unceremonious Twitter ban for, we assume, presenting evidence that SARS-CoV-2 was created in a Wuhan lab, Chinese virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan appeared on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ where she told the Fox news host that the virus is a ‘Frankenstein’ which was designed to target humans which was intentionally released.”
She said it could never come from nature. She is an MD/PhD who worked with this virus at the University of Hong Kong. She also wrote a 26-page paper, which she co-wrote with three other Chinese scientists, and she said: “They don’t want people to know this truth. Also, that’s why I get suspended (from Twitter), I get suppression. I am the target the Chinese Communist Party wants disappeared.”
Dr. Yan fled from Hong Kong back in late April on a flight to the US and believes her life is in danger. Knowing the Communists, she is probably right. As long as the Communists are in power in China she will never be able to go back home and she’ll even have to watch where she goes in this country and how open she is about her movements. Communists have never let national borders hinder their attempts to liquidate those on their hit lists.
But her comments to Tucker Carlson were informative. She tells us right up front that this Chinese Virus was intentionally released. This was no accident, no coincidence, no foolish mistake on someone’s part. This was intentional!!! The Chinese Communists did it on purpose!
The ChiComs probably had lots of reasons. They strive for world domination and they would dearly love to see a Democrat in the White House rather than Trump because they know a Democratic president, no matter who he, she, or it is, will take them back to the days that they were able to have their way with our politicians the way they did during the Obama era. And let’s face it, most Democrats are not all that far removed from communists in their worldview.
The communists, Chinese or otherwise, have lots of friends in this country–the news media, Democratic politicians, some Republican politicians, most of academia, most of Hollyweird, and then there are the various Marxist groups funded by George Soros, the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations and others. Mostly it seems that the only folks not in some communist’s back pocket are the normal Americans–the ones no one wants to or dares to speak up for. Or as someone once said, “There is no justice–just us!” And we must depend on the Lord for our help because it seems that almost no one else cares about us.
Just remember one thing–with the communists nothing is accidental. Whatever they do that we have been told was accidental or coincidental was really done on purpose. The intent is really to take this country down–unless the Democrats win in November. And if that happens, they may let us exist just awhile longer–until their agenda for America is a done deal.