Think Secession Will Stop Them? Think Again!
Or as the Confederate general in the movie Gods and Generals said, “Get ready boys, they are a coming.” I would urge folks to go and check out Brandon Smith’s comments in this article. They are profoundly disturbing, and we need to pray about our response to what may well end up being a real dicey situation for us and our children.
Revised History – Think Secession Will Stop Them? Think Again!
Over the weekend I read a rather disturbing article on http://www.alt-market.com by Brandon Smith, published on 7/3. The title of it is Is America Heading For Civil War? Of Course It Is…
Brandon Smith’s contention, and he may well have a point, is that we will end up fighting a civil war no matter what we do to try to prevent such an occurrence. He talks about the different groups in the country and how there is no rational way to get them together, as their differences, cultural and otherwise, are so great and the country is so fractured that you will never be able to put Humpty Dumpty back together again.
He notes the left-wing mobs out there looting and burning and for the most part their opposition on the right, what we call “conservatives” do not seem to be doing much of anything. But it won’t stay that way forever. At some point, the left will have pushed too far and there will be a reaction.
He observes that there will be some who will try to separate the leftists from us ordinary folks in the vain hope that the separation will work for both sides. Many of us would call that secession. Smith claims that won’t work either. The leftists will never be satisfied with that because they don’t just want a bigger piece of the national pie–they want it all!
Smith writes: “I fully realize that the third outcome is the most likely. War is probably inevitable. Why? Because collectivists and narcissists are never satisfied. They desire unlimited control over the lives of others, and they will use any means to get that control no matter how destructive. Separating from them is only a stop-gap that allows us to take the superior position. Through peaceful migration we set the pace of this conflict. Eventually they will come after us, and there will be no doubt about our response then. There will be no way to spin the result in their favor, no way to play the victims.”
Some of you all may recall–we played this game once before–in 1861. Only then, the collectivists were able to make it look like it was really our fault when they were the instigators. Smith doesn’t seem to think it will happen that way this time. Only time will tell–and the collectivists control the “news” media, so the results may be iffy.
But Smith does seem to know the score. He observes: “As I posted last week, the political left is a tool for a greater agenda. They are being used as a weapon of chaos by globalist interests. This is not ‘conspiracy theory’ it is conspiracy fact. Millions of dollars have poured into Antifa and BLM related groups through elitist donors like George Soros and his Open Society Foundation as well as the Ford Foundation. Globalist institutions like these have been influencing the extreme left and promoting identity politics for DECADES…” And he is right on the money here. This sort of thing has gone on at least since before the Viet Nam War, and probably before. See if you can get a book called The Strawberry Statement by James Michael Kunen, where he talks about the leftist radicals being given Rockefeller money to promote their leftist activities.
In looking forward to the 2020 election Smith writes: “If Trump ‘wins’, or delays the election, the left will riot and a civil war will be triggered. Conservatives will have to deal with the violence of the left while also dealing with the potential for martial law (which we cannot tolerate or support either). If Biden ‘wins’ it will be perceived by many conservatives who still think elections matter as a stolen presidency engineered through fraudulent ballot practices…If you believe in freedom, realize that fake conservatives that support government tyranny will be as much a problem as Marxist lefties.” This is truly a pressure from above and pressure from below situation. They plan to squeeze us both ways.
Or as the Confederate general in the movie Gods and Generals said, “Get ready boys, they are a coming.” I would urge folks to go and check out Brandon Smith’s comments in this article. They are profoundly disturbing, and we need to pray about our response to what may well end up being a real dicey situation for us and our children.