Tucker Carlson and Bad History
Usually I enjoy watching Tucker Carlson. He gets lots of stuff right that most others either ignore or are afraid to touch. However, Tucker, like the rest of us, is only human and he doesn’t always get it all right.
Revised History – Tucker Carlson and Bad History PDF
Usually I enjoy watching Tucker Carlson. He gets lots of stuff right that most others either ignore or are afraid to touch. However, Tucker, like the rest of us, is only human and he doesn’t always get it all right.
A case in point was the monologue he did the other night, which a friend back east sent me. In this particular offering the best he could come up with was a mixed bag of truth and untruth.
He attacked those who are trying to tear down our monuments and destroy our history and I was with him all the way on that one. But then he made some really far out comments about the Confederacy that soured me on his commentary as a whole. In regard to our “civil war”_ aka the War of Northern Aggression, he said one side was right, the North and the other side was wrong, the South.
Sorry Tucker, but you blew it here. Your comments would lead people like yourself, who don’t know any better, to believe that War was only fought over slavery. And that sentiment is one of the greatest lies ever perpetrated on this country.
There have been books written fully explaining why the South did not fight that War to defend slavery but had a host of other more important reasons that they fought. Tucker, maybe you need to read some real history instead of the revisionist crap they fed you in high school and college. Your comments lead me to believe you have never really read anything about the War that gave you any remote idea of what the South stood for and fought for and what they fought against.
I don’t expect you will ever read or even see my commentary here, but I would love to provide you with a list of books written by folks in the South that explain their rationale for that war. And by the way, the South did not declare war on the North.
It was never a “civil war” in the sense that both sides were contending for control of the government. The South never wanted control of the Northern government. All they wanted was to be able to depart in peace and Lincoln denied them that option. You may or may not believe in secession, but it was a legitimate option and was recognized as such. After all, it is what we did from Great Britain in 1776–we seceded from the British Empire.
I am going to provide you with a list of books here that would be helpful for you to read if you are truly going to understand why the South did what she did. None of them are New York Times best sellers but they do contain the truths that you were never taught during your educational years and, Lord willing, they may give you something to think about.
Yankee Empire–Aggressive Abroad and Despotic at Home by James and Walter Kennedy. Shotwell Publishing, Columbia, South Carolina
Segregation–Federal Policy or Racism? by John Chodes. Shotwell Publishing, Columbia, South Carolina
The South was Right by James and Walter Kennedy. Pelican Publishing, Gretna, Louisiana
The Un-Civil War–Shattering the Historical Myths by Leonard M. Scruggs. Universal Media, Asheville, North Carolina
Slavery Was not the Cause of the War Between the States by Gene Kizer Jr. Charleston Athenaeum Press, Charleston and James Island, South Carolina
The Land We Love–The South and its Heritage by Dr. Boyd D. Cathey, The Scuppernong Press, Wake Forest, North Carolina
Lincoln’s Marxists by Al Benson Jr. and Walter Kennedy Pelican Press, Gretna, Louisiana
Some of these may be out of print or the publishers out of business.
Tucker, I have always enjoyed your material and have promoted you to many folks, but this is one area, respectfully, that you need to do a little homework in. You may or may not change your mind about all of it but you do need to look at the other side and up to this point, it does not look like you have done that. On the question of the Confederacy you sound no different than the Leftist radicals we both abhor.