Viva Biden!
When Donald Trump was President this country was able to exercise some control over who came across our Southern border. Now that Mr. Trump has had the presidency stolen from him the border with Mexico has again become a sieve, full of Biden/Harris intentional holes, the object of which is to totally change the culture of this country to something akin to the Third World.
Revised History – Viva Biden! PDF
When Donald Trump was President this country was able to exercise some control over who came across our Southern border. Now that Mr. Trump has had the presidency stolen from him the border with Mexico has again become a sieve, full of Biden/Harris intentional holes, the object of which is to totally change the culture of this country to something akin to the Third World.
Illegal immigrants seeking to enter this country seem to believe that they have been promised refuge here by good old “Viva Joe” and that all they have to do is to show up at the border and they will be let in to partake of many of the freebies that are denied to ordinary citizens in this country that are being called on to pay for this sheer insanity.
The faux-president and Comrade Kamala want the illegals here, want to give them the right to vote in our elections, whether they are citizens or not, because they realize that the vast majority of them will vote for Democrats.
In an article in the New York Times some illegals who were stopped and detained at the border near El Paso, Texas said that Biden had encouraged them to come here. One lady said “Biden promised us that everything was going to change. He hasn’t done it yet, but he is going to be a good president for migrants.”
I have noted several photos on the internet of illegal immigrants showing up at the border wearing tee shirts that say “Biden let us in.” You have to wonder where those tee-shirts came from and who originated them. Wonder if they were made in Red China. That would not surprise me, and I have to wonder, with all these illegals showing up at the border almost immediately after Biden slithered into the White House, how many of them might be agents of Red China, here to do the bidding of their masters in Beijing. Obviously not all the immigrants are Chinese agents, but it only takes a few who get in undetected to do lots of damage in this country. Look at what these Confucius Institutes are doing in some of the schools and colleges in this country. Communist propaganda is being disseminated and most people do not even realize it.
In an article by Adam Salazar, it was noted that: “In order to accommodate the surge, border enforcement is accepting unaccompanied minors, but sending back adults, according to the New York Post. Photos obtained by Fox News show a huge group of migrants sleeping on the ground with mylar blankets underneath the international bridge in Mission, Texas.” I saw the photos. Lots of people sleeping under that bridge! They are using a convention center in Dallas to house about 3,000 of these minors. That is supposed to handle this situation for the next 90 days. What happens after the 90 days are up? Will these minors just be turned loose somewhere in Texas?
If Trump was in office, there would be a big fuss over all this. But, with “Viva Joe” in office, who cares? Certainly not the mainstream media. As long as these minors all grow up and vote Democrat that’s all that really matters here. One has to wonder how many of these illegal immigrants are infected with the Chinese virus. Will they all wear masks and practice social distancing? Probably not. That’s only for U.S. citizens. The illegals will probably be exempt.