Was the Chinese Virus “accidental?” Some don’t think so.
There has been some talk on those few television news outlets that still give people some real news as to why Communist China waited so long to alert the rest of the world to their Wuhan Virus.
Revised History – Was the Chinese Virus “accidental?” Some don’t think so. PDF
There has been some talk on those few television news outlets that still give people some real news as to why Communist China waited so long to alert the rest of the world to their Wuhan Virus.
Seems that Communist China did not desire to suffer the economic hardship her virus would cost all by her lonesome. In typical Marxist fashion, she figured if she had to suffer, she would make the rest of the world suffer along with her. Her actions regarding this virus, or lack thereof, ensured that she would afflict the rest of the world with this virus so it would not outstrip China economically and leave her at a major disadvantage.
Her most efficient way to do that was to make damned sure the rest of the world partook of her misery–so just don’t report anything about the virus or close up their country too early–and made double sure infected Chinese flew all over the world, while forbidding them to fly in China.
Undoubtedly this was the decision of the Chinese Communist Party–which is about what you would or can expect from Communists. In their utter disregard for all human lives except their own this is what Communists do. Anyone thinking differently about them just does not grasp their mindset or what they really do.
Those who trust Communists to be anything but Communists, at any level, just do not grasp what they really are. There are those who try to tell you that communism in some form is really a loving and compassionate system of government. We have some of those in our own Congress. It’s total hogwash and those that spread such bovine fertilizer and total liars. They know that and hope you don’t.
Therefore, it should come as no surprise that Red China said almost nothing about their virus to anyone but the World Health Organization–a Marxist entity that they knew their secret was safe with.
It was to Communist China’s great advantage if the rest of the world, particularly the United States, was infected with their horrible virus. So they lied to everyone about this, even trying to blame this country for it.
Anyone believing anything the World Health Organization says about this has to have mush for brains. The WHO does nothing but carry political war for the Chinese Reds and so does out so-called “news” media in this country. For what most of them do they should be forced to register as agents of Communist China because, when push comes to shove, that’s what they really are! Most of our “news” media are anti-American to the core!
President Trump has ordered all funding for the WHO to be stopped. I surely hope he sticks to his guns on this one. In fact, he should take a close look at the entire United Nations. It is a one world government organization the US would be better off getting out of. It, also, is anti-American to the core.
Many years ago, G. Edward Griffin wrote a masterful book about the United Nations entitled The Fearful Master. It thoroughly exposed the Marxist bent of the organization. Check out Amazon to see if you can still find it and if so, grab a copy.
The United Nations is not our friend and we had better start getting used to that truth while we still can.