We May Lose Because We Don’t Care About Our History
Over the past week or so I have posted a couple articles about terrorist John Brown and some of his leftist connections (yes, he had some leftist connections).
Revised History – We May Lose Because We Don’t Care About Our History
Over the past week or so I have posted a couple articles about terrorist John Brown and some of his leftist connections (yes, he had some leftist connections).
Some of the comments I got back from various places my articles were posted were, how shall I say it, downright abusive. Everything from “who cares about all this crap?” to comments that used profanity that I won’t go into.
Some of this made me reflect a little and I came up with the possibility that, at least in our day, we may well lose the struggle for our freedom because many on our side of the political and theological fence not only do not comprehend or grasp the importance of our history, they just don’t care. They are not interested.
What they don’t seem to realize is that if we don’t have a firm grasp on what has happened throughout our history they will never be able to fully understand what is going on now and if they don’t understand it they will be ignorant of how to deal with it. Yet many, if not most, seem to be at that point. They don’t seem to understand that what has gone before affects what is happening right now and if you try to explain that to them they get mad at you.
Over the past few years I have seen writers of fiction that grasp the importance of history more than the average American. Of course the way history is taught in most public schools does not help this situation. I’ve had people tell me “history is boring.” If you understand it, it really isn’t boring. But it is taught in such a way as to turn people off because if they truly understood our history then they might have problems with where we find ourselves today. The powers that be would just as soon avoid that problem. So history is taught in such a way as to make people lose interest in it and fail to see how important it really is.
People in their “history” classes in school are taught that the War of Northern Aggression was fought only over slavery and nothing else. If you dare to bring up the issue of tariffs as a major cause of that war then you are probably going to be called a racist because the establishment version of that history has no place for the tariff issue–and so you never hear about it. You have to do your own research to find that out and if you try to explain that to people, they mostly don’t care.
Even here in the South, our kids in public schools, and some private ones as well, are taught that their ancestors fought to keep their slaves–even though only about six percent of Southern folks owned any slaves. We are supposed to believe that the other 94% fought so the 6% could keep their slaves. Is this stupid or what? Yet most of us are too lazy to find out the real truth. It’s lots easier to just get mad at those trying to inform you than it is to check out what they are telling you.
The rationale today is to “shoot the messenger and ignore what he tells you.” Eventually there will be no more messengers–and you will lose your liberty because you were too lazy to listen when you had the chance. And when that happens I suppose it will all be Trump’s fault!