Who Are the Real Racists?
One of the key components of the Marxist agenda is to promote the concept of fighting racism when what your agenda is really doing is promoting it and using young folks to do it
The Copperhead Chronicle – Who Are the Real Racists? PDF
The perfidious agenda of the political and theological leftists in this country is no more apparent than when it comes to the issue of race. In the name of “fighting racism” what they end up doing is actually promoting racism, a particularly virulent form of racism.
I just read an article about a college on the Left Coast (that used to be California, now it’s Commiefornia) where the students are forming blockades to prevent white students from getting to their classes. In other words, if you are a “student of color” you can get to your classes, but you have to have blockades to make sure the white kids can’t get to theirs. So trying to stop students from getting to their classes because they are white is supposed to be “fighting racism.” Does anyone see the total inanity of this?
Years ago, the so-called “civil rights” movement sought to promote integration. Now these same people are promoting a new form of segregation. I wonder if any of them grasp the total stupidity of this. The kids probably don’t. They have not had enough living experience to understand the motives of those who push them into doing this stuff.
You can bet the leftist professors and school administrators that promote this drivel know what they are doing. They are trying to get the students of different races mad at each other. They want racial confrontation and if someone gets hurt, then so much the better because then they have martyrs to parade before a gullible public, people who were hurt for “fighting racism.”
To them, the kids of all races are so many pawns on the power-politics chess board, to be moved around in whatever way will enable the leftists to gain more power and control, because, in the final analysis, power and control are what it’s all about. If the kids had enough wisdom and discernment to tell the leftists to stuff it, that would be great, but let’s face it, though there are exceptions, this will probably not happen.
I worked on two college campuses over the years, one in the East and the other in the Midwest, and in both cases, most students were prone to rely on the commentary of professors who, shall we say, were considerably to the left of center. And at that age, most of these young folks lack the discernment to tell Marxists from conservatives. As I said, there are exceptions, but not many–and not nearly enough!
So the leftists endeavor to work among young folks and to fill their minds with Marxist propaganda because they know the kids are mostly impressionable and will respond if the rhetoric is strident enough and appears to address some perceived evil in society.
One thing parents can do is to keep their kids out of public schools if at all possible, because, believe it or not, much of the leftist propaganda originates there in order to condition the kids to be more susceptible to the more advanced indoctrination they will be fed at the college level
Another thing you can do is be really careful where you send your kids to college. Colleges that don’t promote leftist ideology at some level are few and far between, so when it comes to colleges you really need to do some homework. And when it comes to colleges, it wouldn’t hurt to check out curriculum also. Find out what your kids may be getting for history, economics, literature, etc. And try to find schools, if at all possible, where the kids won’t be encouraged to promote racism in the name of fighting racism.
One of the key components of the Marxist agenda is to promote the concept of fighting racism when what your agenda is really doing is promoting it and using young folks to do it.