Who Are The Real Traitors?
This thought came to me as I sat at the computer this morning. How many of those that rail about Confederates having been traitors have any concern for those that are, in our day, working to undermine the country? The answer is probably “NONE.”
Revised History – Who Are The Real Traitors? PDF
This thought came to me as I sat at the computer this morning. How many of those that rail about Confederates having been traitors have any concern for those that are, in our day, working to undermine the country? The answer is probably “NONE.”
We have a “news” media in our day that specializes in majoring in the minors, or better yet, distracting the public from important issue to those that are irrelevant. It’s what they do for a living. The media today, as a whole, would put that old Communist newspaper, Pravda, to shame. As least with the old Communist newspaper you knew where they were coming from. Our media today tries to hide the fact that most of them are really dedicated leftists now. Witness how they downplay certain stories while giving headlines to stuff that really belongs in the wastebasket.
We heard all about the Russian collusion theory for over three years, with the Mueller investigation and all that gobbledygook and now we are finding out that it was all a croc .With new documents being declassified we are finding out that the Clinton campaign in 2016 really pushed, and paid for, all this tripe about Trump colluding with Putin as part of their campaign to keep Trump out of the White House. And what will our intrepid “news” media do with all these revelations? Well, they will ignore them as long as they can. And when they become prevalent enough that they can no longer ignore them then they will try to spin them in such a way as to make Trump look like the villain rather than Hillary and the Democratic establishment. The New York Times claims that they publish “All the news that’s fit to print.” What they really mean is that they publish “all the news that fits” (their agenda).
And now that Trump wants a whole batch of new material to be declassified so the public can find out what has really gone on for the past four years, a whole batch of people in government don’t want this stuff to ever see the light of day. They claim it will reveal “security information” detrimental to the country. What they are really afraid of is that it will reveal how they have been complicit in trying to have Trump removed from office and if enough people find out about that and it is exposed enough, they might have to do some jail time. Worse, could some of them be indicted for treason? In our present political climate that’s not likely to happen, but it’s an interesting thought. Maybe it should happen!
If you look at the platform of the Kamala Harris/Joe Biden ticket and see where they are really coming from you have to admit they are running on a platform that would make Karl Marx gasp with anticipation. They would emasculate the Second Amendment and raise taxes through the roof and folks would have to wear these foolish face masks for perpetuity. I can’t see how anyone in their right mind can vote for such–how shall I say it–damnfoolishness!
With some of what is going on nowadays you have to wonder who the real traitors in this country are. Maybe the real traitors in our day would like us to focus on the supposed treason on those in the old Confederate States so that we will spend less time focusing on their present efforts at treason. Sort of a bait and switch tactic.
Regardless of what you hear, the old Confederates were not traitors. There might be some question about some of those today who are trying to label them as traitors. If secession had truly been treason, believe me, they would have prosecuted Jeff Davis for it in court. The fact that they didn’t do that speaks volumes.
Update–From Judicial Watch–Investigative reporter John Solomon said that CIA Director Gina Haspel is blocking the release of classified documents to protect the agencies reputation like Christopher Wray is doing for the FBI. “It’s a continuation of the slow walk that she and FBI Director Wray and other deep state bureaucrats in the State Department have done over the past two years. They have tried to stop this Russia case from unraveling, the Ukraine case from unraveling, the carefully-crafted false story they gave the American people.”
You have to ask, what are they afraid of? They are afraid we will find out the truth and that they have been lying to us and some of us will start asking why. And to that question they dare not give us an honest answer. Trump would be better served if both Haspel and Wray were given their walking papers.