Who funds the Left?
Be that as it may, the price of the leftist game has been upped considerably.
Revised History – Who funds the Left? PDF
Lots of folks realize in a general sort of way that big liberal foundations fund the far left. That’s not new news. The John Birch Society documented this trend decades ago. Probably over 30 years ago now they put out a booklet called Foundations and Tax Free Cash. I may still have an old copy of it floating around here somewhere in this chaos that is my office.
Be that as it may, the price of the leftist game has been upped considerably.
An article on http://www.washingtontimes.com for August 16, 2016 carried the headline Black Lives Matter cashes in with $100 million from liberal foundations. The article noted that: “For all its talk about being a street uprising, Black Lives Matter is increasingly awash in cash, raking in pledges of more than $100 million from liberal foundations and others eager to contribute to what has become the grand-making cause de jour… That funding comes in addition to more than $33 million in grants to the Black Lives Matter movement from top Democratic Party donor George Soros through his Open Society Foundations, as well as grant-making from the Center for American Progress.” The article also mentioned the Ford Foundation and Borealis Philanthropy kicking in loot.
So if anyone deigns to tell you how poor and downtrodden these Leftist outfits are and how badly they need your hard earned dollars to fight “racism” you can laugh in their faces. Hundreds of millions for Leftist front groups ain’t chump change, folks.
Most of these far Left groups are very will funded, have more cash than you can even dream about, which means one thing. They are not out there to truly help the poor and downtrodden. They are really out there to grab power so they can promote a far Left agenda for America–and there are “treasonous” souls in this country with big bucks who are more than willing to help them do that.
An article on the New American Magazine website for September, 2016 by C. Mitchell Shaw told us that: “While claiming to be a grassroots organization formed in response to the prevalence of police violence, Black Lives Matter is actually 100-percent pure Astroturf. With coffers bulging with millions of dollars from George Soros, the Ford Foundation, and other deep-pocketed individuals and groups, BLM is little more than a front organization for these leftists and their agenda to reshaped the very fabric of American society, culture and law.”
There are tons of articles on the internet that tell you the truth about Black Lives Matter, Antifa and a whole host of other Leftist organizations. You can look until your eyes bug out and still not see all of them. But they are out there and there is no excuse for any patriotic American not to know what the Left is really all about and what they plan to do to this country with lots of help from their liberal/socialist comrades.
All they have to do is depend on most Americans being too damned lazy to check out what they are doing because what they are doing is right out there in plain sight for those willing to check it out.
Too many people prefer to think that capitalists and communists are always adversaries. Ain’t necessarily so! There are lots of capitalists that love communism–as long as they can control it–and that’s what they do with those big bucks! Too often the Left is little more than a front for the Rockefeller types–a front they use to their own advantage. If you doubt me, try to get hold of a book called The Rockefeller File. It’s old, but Amazon might still have some used copies. It’s a real eye opener.