Whose Agenda Is Fauci Following?
Just a few days ago I pulled up an article on https://republicanpost.net that dealt with Dr. Anthony Fauci and his leftist friends–and those on the left are his friends. It had to do with “…this year’s annual Atlantic Festival of esteemed progressive thought leaders.
Revised History – Whose Agenda Is Fauci Following? PDF
Just a few days ago I pulled up an article on https://republicanpost.net that dealt with Dr. Anthony Fauci and his leftist friends–and those on the left are his friends. It had to do with “…this year’s annual Atlantic Festival of esteemed progressive thought leaders. The two top highlighted speakers at the event, which this year will be streamed virtually online and free to access, are Hillary Clinton and Dr. Anthony Fauci.” So it would appear that Fauci is listed as being among “esteemed progressive thought leaders.”
For those who follow political trends, the term “progressive” means you are a kissin’ cousin to the socialists. And it is a known fact that Fauci is wildly supportive of Hillary Clinton. We’ve commented on this in previous articles.
The article continues: “Also on the bill are Nancy Pelosi; Stacey Abrams; Bill Gates; and the Marxist co-founder of Black Lives Matter, Alicia Garza. Another speaker is Chesa Boudin,the San Francisco district attorney who was raised by unrepentant Weather Underground (W.U.) domestic terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn after his birth parents, who were also W.U. terrorists, were convicted and imprisoned for murder during an armed robbery. In addition to Fauci, all of the other 112 speakers at the four-day-long event are leftists, progressives, and social justice influencers of various stripes.”
You could possibly see Fauci getting into a situation where there might be one or two leftist speakers along with a whole mixed bag of other types, but for him to be on a program where all the other speakers are leftists of one stripe or another is no accident. Fauci is here identifying with the political left, even though he might try to deny it. These are his people, and their leftist causes are his causes–even if he tries to deny it. Nobody ends up in a situation with over 100 leftist speakers on the same program without knowing what the score is. If Fauci is really that ignorant, then Trump should not be taking his medical advice. But let’s don’t kid ourselves, Fauci isn’t that stupid!
Several months ago, an article on The American Thinker described Fauci as “a deep-state Hillary Clinton-loving stooge.” The person that wrote that was right on the money. No one could have said it any better. The article said: “Do we need any more evidence that Fauci is returning to his fold and from all appearances is looking ahead–and feathering his nest–in advance of what he expects to be the Democrats retaking power after the November 3 elections?” Almost makes you wonder if he knows something we don’t.
I also noticed, in a recent video, that Fauci jumped all over Senator Rand Paul because he contradicted some of Fauci’s medical pronouncements from on high. Rand Paul is also a doctor so he is not ignorant in this area, but Fauci could not let his comments go unchallenged, lest people possibly listen to what Paul said. That can’t be permitted.
Fauci is indeed a part of the deep state and Trump would do well to realize that and replace him with someone with a less leftist agenda.