The Man Who Owned the Rifles
I just read an article by a Nebojsa Malic on Russia Today for March 27th. I find it interesting that we seem to get more real news from foreign outlets than we do from the so-called “news” media in this country anymore. I have never been a big fan of Russia Today, in the past or now, so when I see more real news on that outlet than we get from what passes for the news media presently it only illustrates the total degeneracy and political corruption of the mainstream media in this country.
Revised History – Why Do Parents Put Up With This Crap? PDF
I just read an article by a Nebojsa Malic on Russia Today for March 27th. I find it interesting that we seem to get more real news from foreign outlets than we do from the so-called “news” media in this country anymore. I have never been a big fan of Russia Today, in the past or now, so when I see more real news on that outlet than we get from what passes for the news media presently it only illustrates the total degeneracy and political corruption of the mainstream media in this country.
Anyone depending on our mainstream media for anything except leftist propaganda has to have a generous dose of mush between their ears.
Anyway, Malic’s article had some interesting observations contained in it. Thoughts to make American parents think, however many of them may still be capable of rational thought anymore. Malic noted: “Of course, the devil is in the details, such as making elementary school children (in California) invoke Aztec gods to empower them as ‘warriors’ for social justice. Among them is the ‘revolutionary spirit’ Huitzilopochtli, the deity of war and sun–and recipient of thousands of human sacrifices. Modern woke narratives paint the Aztecs as oppressed ‘people of color’ who fell victim to ‘white oppressors’ in the form of Spanish conquistadors, papering over inconvenient facts such as that the Aztecs slaughtered other Mesoamerican peoples…” And this is true. I have read some of the history, having some interest in American Indians over the years. The Aztecs were by no means Mesoamerican innocents. They got to where they were by killing off their opposition, some in battle, but many by bloody human sacrifice. And, in California, public school children are now supposed to be chanting to these pagan “gods.” Anything wrong with this picture?
If a public-school teacher mentions the name of Jesus Christ in a positive way in a classroom that teacher could lose his or her job. But, hey, chanting to Aztec gods is okay, right? No problem there at all!
The the writer of this Russia Today article makes an astounding observation–astounding because it seems to be all true. He says, “It’s not that Americans are less religious, as the polling suggests, but less Christian–the old religion getting replaced by politics, wokeness, and whatever the worship of Huitzilopochtli is supposed to be called.”
So, I wonder, at this point, how many Christians in California have their children in public schools? Any number is too many! What do the Christians in California think of this new religious trend in “their” public schools? I have read nothing at all in this regard. So unless I hear something different, I have to assume that most Christians in that state have no problem with their kids being taught to chant to Aztec gods. If you have heard something different please let me know. I’d hate to think that California’s Christians have no problem with this.
Every Christian parent with a kid in public school in California should be yanking that kid out of public school as we speak.
Unfortunately, California is a bell-weather of what the rest of the country can eventually expect to be subjected to. So, if the anti-Christs in that state get by with this then you can soon expect some of the more “progressive” aka leftist states in other areas to try to pull something similar. Christians need to be constantly reminded that the public school system does not belong to them. It is the Unitarian/socialist brainchild of the leftist Education Establishment in this country. It has been promoting anti-Christianity in one form or another since the 1800s. And Christians still haven’t figured that out! I begin to wonder if they ever will!
Too many Christians have been sold a bill of goods that tells them their little Johnny or Mary can be a “witness” to their degenerate public school system and help turn things around. Folks, that’s a croc and those that peddled that fable to you know it. It’s nothing more than their way of keeping your kids in the public brain laundry so they can be propagandized beyond your ability to reverse that action.
It’s about time Christians woke up before they lose their kids–and their country! If you can’t find a good Christian school for the kids, then teach them at home. That will still be better than leaving them in public school to be subject to whatever whims the current “gods” in the public education establishment want to do to them.