Yankees & Marxists–Birds of a Feather
Years ago, Dr. Clyde Wilson wrote a series of excellent articles which he titled The Yankee Problem in America. I don’t remember if he ever made this into a book or not, but if he didn’t it would be a good book. You may still be able to locate copies of some of the articles on the internet–if they haven’t been removed under the guise of being politically incorrect, which they thankfully are.
Revised History – Yankees & Marxists–Birds of a Feather PDF
Years ago, Dr. Clyde Wilson wrote a series of excellent articles which he titled The Yankee Problem in America. I don’t remember if he ever made this into a book or not, but if he didn’t it would be a good book. You may still be able to locate copies of some of the articles on the internet–if they haven’t been removed under the guise of being politically incorrect, which they thankfully are.
Let me say at the outset, when I refer to Yankees I am not and I repeat, not, talking about everyone born and raised in the North. There are lots of good folks in the North who would not ever qualify as Yankees, nor would most of them want to.
Yankee is not your geographical location on the map. Yankee is a mindset. Let that thought sink in a bit. Some of the most stalwart Southern patriots I have known were born and raised in the North. Those that are still there are good Copperheads. But you have Yankees in the South too. They speak with Southern accents and they eat fried chicken and okra. We refer to them as scalawags because they have sold out their heritage in order to gain some advantage from the Yankee types who control most of the federal government.
I can recall once trying to explain who a Yankee to a lady from Illinois was. When I got through, she said “You are talking about a control freak.” She was right. That’s what a Yankee is. He, or she, wants to totally control what you think, how you live, what you are allowed to believe, what you are supposed to not believe, what you can or can’t do with your own property, etc. You get the message, I hope. If not you just ain’t been paying attention.
During this Chinese-induced pandemic we have suffered through we had one governor in a Northern state that issued “mandates” (which really have no force as laws) that prevented people from going out and planting gardens in their own backyards. Not planting a garden in the backyard was, somehow, supposed to help combat the pandemic. It was never explained quite how that worked, but then the governor never had to. She did it because she felt she could, and for no other reason. I think the Supreme Court in her state eventually said her mandates were too draconian and overturned most of them. But that took a while and lots of citizens in her state marched and protested before it happened. Had they not it probably never would have happened. The old saying “People deserve what they permit” is probably all too true.
So now you have some idea of how Yankees want to totally run your life. What about the Marxists? What do they really want, in spite of the “news” media telling us how really wonderful they are?
Well, the Marxists, (and there are lots of them in Washington and in your state capitols) have their version of what is best for you (and ultimately for them). They want to totally control what you do. They want to control what you are allowed to see and not see, what you are allowed to believe and what you should not believe, what you can and can’t do with your own property and so on. In other words, they want to totally control your entire life. So, the question arises–what is the difference between the Yankee and the Marxist? If you look at what they both want, there really is not much difference. In fact, some Yankees have ended up becoming Marxists because the transition from one to the other causes them no pain or inconvenience at all. Both want government control of your entire existence. They are, in a sense, interchangeable with one another. They want to decide how your children should be educated–what they should learn and what they are not allowed to learn. Public “education” in this country (something advocated by Karl Marx) gives them much of that ability. Private Christian schools are anathema to both the Marxist and the Yankee. They don’t think they should be allowed to exist and if they do then they need to be strongly regulated so all the kids who attend them won’t grow up to be “white supremacists” or Christian patriots. Such must be avoided at all costs if the Yankee/Marxists are to be able to retain their power to run our lives.
The Yankee/Marxist recognizes the Christian faith as his main adversary. Unfortunately, most Christians in our day fail to recognize the Yankee/Marxist as one of their main adversaries because their faith has been neutralized to the point where discernment has been replaced with “feel good” theology. Who do you suppose is responsible for that? When churches post Black Lives Matter banners outside their churches then you have to realize that the faith in that church has been severely compromised. It has become, in effect, an outpost for Marxist revolution. Christians should avoid such churches like the plague because they are a plague on the Christian faith.
Our ability to recognize our adversaries has been watered down. We had better wake up and start to reverse that trend while we still have some ability to do that, lest the day come upon us when that ability is gone.