Can You Blame Folks For Talking About Secession?

An article by Pat Buchanan on Lew Rockwell’s site this morning gave some indication as to why people are discussing the question of secession.

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An article by Pat Buchanan on Lew Rockwell’s site this morning gave some indication as to why people are discussing the question of secession. Pat noted that a Monmouth Poll on July 5th showed Biden’s approval rating tanking at 36% while 59% disapprove of where he is taking the country. What most of these folks do not understand is that he is taking the country down the proverbial garden path on purpose. Biden’s chore for Obama and the Deep State is for him to totally reduce this country to where it can be comfortably merged into the New World Order. To do that he has to gut our economy–a chore he happily undertakes–if his corrupt family can make money on the deal.

Pat also observed that our august Congress has a monumental approval rate of 15%, while 85% disagree with what Congress is doing, or not doing. And let us not kid ourselves. Many congresspersons long ago gave up representing their constituents and are in bed with the Deep State. And the party label makes no difference. Many Republicans, so called, will sell out those that voted for them thinking they were conservative when they were little more than liars. There are some good candidates running as Republicans, people like Jim Jordan from Ohio and Thomas Massie from Kentucky and Rand Paul from Kentucky. There are just not enough of them.

People really need to do some homework when it comes to who to vote for as the “R” behind a candidate’s name is almost meaningless anymore. There are far too many Republicans more than willing to help the Democrats sell us down the river. The old saying about politicians that they “go to Washington and turn left” is truer today than ever.

The public distrusts (with good reason) the presidency, newspapers, television “news”, the criminal justice system, big business, and Congress. A whopping 7% trust what goes on in Washington! And those must be the “useful idiots.”

Supposedly, the Republicans can pick up around 30 plus seats in the mid-terms. If such is so we must ask ourselves what kind of Republicans will pick up those seats–genuine patriotic conservatives or RINO’s. If we genuinely want improvement, we better start doing the homework and finding out what kind of Republicans will be running in races that will affect where we live. If you end up voting for some turkey who has an “R” behind his name for that reason alone then you have just conceded victory to the socialist Democrats.

Now I realize that many good Christian folks don’t want to get involved in dirty politics and so they just vote for someone their Uncle Joe or a friend recommended. Easier that way but not always the best policy. If Christians are going to take a multi-generational perspective (and they should) then they need to realize that how they vote may well affect their children and their future. For Christians, discernment should be the name of the game here when it comes to who to vote for because, let’s face it, some so-called Republicans ain’t worth spit!

And if the same thing happens in the mid-terms that happened in the 2020 election, then those making the case for secession will indeed have a valid point and one that will have to be considered. If the same thing happens this year, then to all intents and purposes, the country will be gone, and I can’t see where seceding from an oligarchy would be a crime. As writer Alan Stang used to say, “Let’s think about it.”