Leftist Teachers Unions

Leftist Teachers Unions It seems that a major part of the educational problem in this country as to what students are taught in public schools lies with the teachers unions that have, in recent years, decided the time has now come to bring their left-wing biases out...

Marxism In American Education

Marxism In American Education Anyone who has followed by articles over the years knows that I advocate that parents, especially Christian parents, remove their children from the public school system before they lose them forever. Revised History – Marxism In...

April is Confederate History Month

April is Confederate History Month Lest we forget, we are now into April, which is Confederate History Month and so it is a good time to remind all Confederates, north and south, of what the radical leftists want to do to us and how hard they are working at it while...

Conspiracy! Oh, Heaven Forbid No!

Conspiracy! Oh, Heaven Forbid No! If you only follow the mainstream media and those people in Washington who claim to represent us you will think the only conspiracy that ever existed was St. Hillary’s “vast right-wing conspiracy” against her ever-virtuous husband. If...