Public Education As Messiah

Public Education As Messiah The adherents of public schooling in this country have always had a messiah complex. They have always sought to make that educational institution (so called) that they adhere to and promote appear to be the sole method of improving the lot...

George Armstrong Custer And All That

George Armstrong Custer And All That Quite a while back now someone gave me a book by Stephen E. Ambrose called Crazy Horse and Custer.  The paperback version was published in 2003, so I assume a hardback version came out sometime previous to that. Revised History...

Shades of 1984 in Illinois

Shades of 1984 in Illinois Any of you that read the book 1984 are familiar with the “memory hole” where all politically incorrect previous history gets dumped and get replaced with Big Brother’s history de jour for today. Of course it may change tomorrow or the day...