by mydixieAdmin | Jul 15, 2020 | Al Benson, Revised History
The New Book On Lincoln DiLorenzo identifies the Lincoln myth as “…the ideological cornerstone of the American state” Revised History – The New Book On Lincoln PDF Follow Revised History Professor Thomas DiLorenzo’s new book on Saint Abraham, The...
by mydixieAdmin | Jul 15, 2020 | Al Benson, Revised History
Think Secession Will Stop Them? Think Again! Or as the Confederate general in the movie Gods and Generals said, “Get ready boys, they are a coming.” I would urge folks to go and check out Brandon Smith’s comments in this article. They are profoundly disturbing, and we...
by mydixieAdmin | Jul 15, 2020 | Al Benson, Revised History
Are We Being Lied To About the Chinese Virus? Learn about yet another member of “The Secret Six”, George Luther Sterns. Revised History – Are We Being Lied To About the Chinese Virus? PDF Follow Revised History I’ve read lots of very...
by mydixieAdmin | Jul 15, 2020 | Al Benson, Revised History
Mr. Lincoln Wanted a War So the evidence begins to mount that it was really Lincoln and some of this political cronies that wanted a war, and not the South, even though they were conned into firing the first shot. Revised History – Mr. Lincoln Wanted a War PDF...
by mydixieAdmin | Jul 15, 2020 | Al Benson, Revised History
Lincoln and the Republican Party Were Frauds We have all been dutifully informed, via our public school “history” books that the North went to war to free the slaves. I have often asked the question–if that is true, then why did the North not first free those slaves...
by mydixieAdmin | Jul 15, 2020 | Al Benson, Revised History
Trite Comments About Sigel If you want to find out the truth about Franz Sigel, who, by the way, was no military whiz kid, you need to read Donnie Kennedy’s and my book Lincoln’s Marxists and I am not trying to make money off of it when I say that. Revised History...