Too Little Too Late!

Too Little Too Late! I wonder if the few remaining Confederate statues and monuments that are still up someplace will be protected by this new ban that seems to me to almost be too little too late. Revised History – The Man Who Owned the Rifles PDF Follow...

“Different Dreams”

“Different Dreams” What does the movie “Gettysburg” have to do with what is going on today? Revised History – “Different Dreams” PDF Follow Revised History             The movie Gettysburg had lots of fiction in it. It was good historical fiction,...

Who are the real racists?

Who are the real racists? They don’t pretend to know their history, but, hey, how much history do you need to know to tear down a monument, any monument, to some old white guy? Revised History – Who are the real racists? PDF Follow Revised History             In...

“Trained Marxists”

“Trained Marxists” Read this post to find out who the Republican Establishment’s new favorite organization is. Revised History – “Trained Marxists” PDF Follow Revised History             I have watched in utter amazement as the political class, both...

Boston Mayor and Contradictions

Boston Mayor and Contradictions Slavery and the Left… Revised History – Boston Mayor and Contradictions PDF Follow Revised History             An article on Breitbart for June 16th by Joel R. Pollak shows the contradictory mindset of many Northern...