by mydixieAdmin | Jun 8, 2020 | Al Benson, Revised History
Communism is Evil. So Are Those That Promote It. There are no if, ands or buts about it. Revised History – Communism is Evil. So Are Those That Promote It. PDF Follow Revised History I grew up during the Cold War years, watched a little of Joe...
by mydixieAdmin | Jun 5, 2020 | Al Benson, Revised History
Freedom–It’s Unappreciated “But freedom’s a hard-bought thing and it don’t stay bought. You’ve got to keep buying it over and over again. And sometimes you get killed buying it–…” Revised History – Freedom–It’s Unappreciated PDF Follow Revised History...
by mydixieAdmin | Jun 5, 2020 | Al Benson, Revised History
“Communist Insurrection” The title of the Epoch Times video was right on the money. It stated, “Cities Burn but none dare call it Communist Insurrection.” That really says it all about what has been going on in cities across this country in the last few days— Revised...
by mydixieAdmin | Jun 5, 2020 | Al Benson, Revised History
Strange Animals Who are these strange animals and what is their prey? Revised History – Strange Animals PDF Follow The Copperhead Chronicle Way back when, when I was a member of the John Birch Society, (an organization I endorse by the way) I had it...
by mydixieAdmin | Jun 2, 2020 | Al Benson, Revised History
The Leftists Never Quit. We Should Take a Lesson From That Why was a monument in Alabama torn down because of something that happened in Minneapolis? Revised History – The Leftists Never Quit. We Should Take a Lesson From That PDF Follow Revised History...
by mydixieAdmin | Jun 2, 2020 | Al Benson, Revised History
Was the Chinese Virus “accidental?” Some don’t think so. There has been some talk on those few television news outlets that still give people some real news as to why Communist China waited so long to alert the rest of the world to their Wuhan Virus. Revised History...