General Flynn and Obamagate

General Flynn and Obamagate After reviewing all the documents available, the Justice Department found no grounds for the charges against General Michael Flynn and so they sensibly dropped them. Revised History – General Flynn and Obamagate PDF Follow The...

Obama’s Back–If He Ever Even Left

Obama’s Back–If He Ever Even Left Obama uses positive event to condemn Trump. Revised History – Obama’s Back–If He Ever Even Left PDF Follow The Copperhead Chronicle             Recently, at a college commencement address, an event this is usually supposed to...

Communist China and the Wuhan Virus

Communist China and the Wuhan Virus It is now known that Communist China pressured the Marxist World Health Organization to soft-pedal info on their virus to the rest of the world way back in early December. Revised History – Communist China and the Wuhan Virus...

Communist Chinese Influence

Communist Chinese Influence Red China influences our “news” media. They influence our universities. They influence our communications. Revised History – Communist Chinese Influence PDF Follow The Copperhead Chronicle             Red China influences our “news”...