by mydixieAdmin | May 26, 2020 | Al Benson, Revised History
Whose Side is Fox News On? Martha McCallum on Fox News recently interviewed Richard Haas of the Council on Foreign Relations. While Haas was forced to admit that Red China’s behavior regarding the virus it loosed on the world was pretty egregious, he nonetheless...
by mydixieAdmin | May 26, 2020 | Al Benson, Revised History
Churches Shut Down by Tinpot Dictators with Inflated Egos and Small Minds It’s interesting to see how many states during this Chinese virus pandemic are more than willing to tout and promote abortion clinics as “essential businesses” to be kept open while making sure...
by mydixieAdmin | May 26, 2020 | Al Benson, Revised History
“Enjoy Americana Now–Made in China” . The Chinese Communist government forbid Chinese from flying to other parts of China from Wuhan but they freely allowed them to fly all over the rest of the world. That fact alone should tell you something…… Revised...
by mydixieAdmin | May 4, 2020 | Al Benson, Revised History
What Does the Term “Progressive” Mean? The term Progressive means socialist–and in today’s stifling political climate, socialist means communist. Revised History – What Does the Term “Progressive” Mean? PDF Follow Revised History Well, Comrade Obama...
by mydixieAdmin | Apr 27, 2020 | Al Benson, Revised History
Reflections From the Hospital II Watching all the stuff the feds and state officials are doing, it occurs to me that this virus, of Red Chinese origin, could be a grand excuse to turn 2020 into 1984. Revised History – Reflections From the Hospital II PDF Follow...
by mydixieAdmin | Apr 24, 2020 | Al Benson, Revised History
Reflections From the Hospital I have just arrived home this afternoon from 42 days in the hospital and have no idea at this point how long I will be able to remain out as all the medical problems are yet to be resolved. While in there I watched lots of...