Conspiracy! Oh, Heaven Forbid No!

Conspiracy! Oh, Heaven Forbid No! If you only follow the mainstream media and those people in Washington who claim to represent us you will think the only conspiracy that ever existed was St. Hillary’s “vast right-wing conspiracy” against her ever-virtuous husband. If...

Socialist Teachers Unions

Socialist Teachers Unions The National Education Association meets every year in a big convention in some big city and scads of teachers show up for this big event. This is their one big chance every year to tell us peons what we should support, what we should hate,...

Dictatorship In America

Dictatorship In America According to the book “The Lincoln Conspiracy” the United States was perilously close to dictatorship in 1864. The authors noted: “All the elements were in motion: transportation and communication were nationalized, the writ of habeas corpus...

Edwin M. Stanton, Would-Be Dictator

Edwin M. Stanton, Would-Be Dictator It would seem, from his commentary about others, that Lincoln’s Secretary of War, Edwin M. Stanton, had an inflated concept of his own abilities and a diminished view of the abilities of others. He was definitely not a practitioner...