Lincoln & the Forty-Eighters

Lincoln & the Forty-Eighters       Yesterday, March 2nd, I did an interview with Cliff Kincaid for one of his you tube presentations. It was mostly on Donnie Kennedy’s and my book Lincoln’s Marxists. Hopefully I was able to give Cliff my take on the communist...

The My Pillow Guy

The My Pillow Guy      William F. Jasper, the senior editor of The New American magazine recently interviewed MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell about his recent documentary on election fraud last November. The name of his documentary is Absolute Proof and Mr. Lindell goes...

Texas Actions Benefit Red China

Texas Actions Benefit Red China       All those who work to help Communist China to dominate the U.S. do not live across the water somewhere. Many of them were born and raised in the good old U S of A. Look at what is going on in Sodom on the Potomac with the...

John Brown–Conspirator

John Brown–Conspirator       Over the years I have run into many who seem to venerate John Brown of Harpers Ferry “fame” as though he were some sort of savior for mankiind. Actually, the opposite is probably closer to the truth. I have, recently, in an article on John...

John Brown The Terrorist

John Brown The Terrorist      Recently on my other blog spot I did an article in which I mentioned the name of one of the first terrorists in America, John Brown of Kansas and Harpers Ferry, Virginia “fame.” I was taken to task for daring to call...