Who Is Really Promoting Communism?

Back when I was a kid, I saw a Western movie about a bunch of American outlaws that were down in Mexico when Maximillian was in power there.

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Back when I was a kid, I saw a Western movie about a bunch of American outlaws that were down in Mexico when Maximillian was in power there. They were interested in helping Juarez overthrow Maximillian so they could get hold of the three-million-dollar treasure that Maximillian had. Some of the outlaws were willing to split this loot and take only part of it. But for the head outlaw that wasn’t good enough. I remember, in the movie, he said “That’s not good enough for me. I want it all. I’m a pig.”

I thought, as I went over what I will deal with today, how appropriate that sentiment is regarding the super-rich capitalists of this country and the world. They are political and financial pigs. They want it all! Not only do they want the vast wealth they have amassed, but they also want whatever wealth you have amassed. They feel they are, by their vaunted positions, entitled to everything. It should all belong to them in their estimation. What’s more, they plan to have it all, leaving you just a few crumbs to barely survive on.

An article on https://www.lewrockwell.com for 6/25 goes into this. It was written by Kevin Hughes for Natural News. The article stated: “The Marxist and communist revolutionaries are bankrolled by international banking families, according to author and speaker Paul McGuire.” And he quotes McGuire here when he says: “The Marxist and communist revolutionaries are totally financed by the super capitalist class. They’re totally financed by the globalist elite. They’re totally bankrolled by the wealthiest and richest international banking families in the world…So when the day is done, you can go to any communist revolution and you will discover that the people that are really behind these violent communist revolutions are the wealthiest and richest international banking families in the world…The wealthiest families in the world like the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds have been bankrolling communism and Marxism since the beginning and they are ruthless.”

Hughes said of McGuire that: “He pointed out that all communist revolutions and Marxist revolutions have been financed by the super-wealthy capitalists for the purpose of increasing their wealth and power further…Only the very ignorant will believe that communism or socialism is about wealth redistribution and utopia for the worker or the common man. Communists and Marxists are like the members of a bizarre religious cult who believe that communism or socialism is a means to help the common man. That is a big lie.” he’s right on the money here. Sad to say, this has been going on for around a century now and most folks still don’t seem to get the picture.

Way back in 1972 the John Birch Society published a book by Gary Allen called None Dare Call It Conspiracy that went into all this in quite some detail. I think this book can be found on the internet. You need to go in and read it. Won’t cost you a thin dime! Four years later the Birch Society published, by the same author, a gem called The Rockefeller File which can also be found on the internet. Both informative books go into exactly what McGuire talked about here in the article on Lew Rockwell. Both are worth the time and effort to check out and read. Then you will begin to have some idea of what has happened in this country and why. Until you understand some of this you will be grasping at straws trying to figure out what’s happening. I’ve mentioned both books numerous times before. Hopefully some have taken the time to read them. More need to.

Jesus said in the Bible “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” That applies in the political realm as well as in the spiritual realm. If you won’t take the trouble to learn the truth, will you ever be free–spiritually or politically? That’s the question.